Alpine School District Negotiated Agreement

The Alpine School District Negotiated Agreement: Understanding What it Means for Educators

The Alpine School District (ASD) is one of the largest school districts in the state of Utah, serving more than 80,000 students across 92 schools. Teachers within the district have been negotiating a new collective bargaining agreement, or CBA, with the district for several months. This agreement impacts not only the educators within the district but also the students and the larger community. In this article, we’ll review the key points of the Alpine School District negotiated agreement and what it means for educators.

What is the ASD Negotiated Agreement?

The ASD Negotiated Agreement is a contract between the district and the local teachers’ union, which represents over 4,000 teachers within the district. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of employment, including salaries, benefits, and working conditions for teachers within the district. Negotiations for the new agreement began in the fall of 2020 and were finalized in the spring of 2021.

Key Components of the Agreement

The new agreement contains several significant changes that will impact ASD educators. Here are some of the key components:

1. Pay Raises: The new agreement includes a pay raise for all teachers. The raise will vary, depending on years of experience and educational attainment.

2. Health Insurance: Teachers within the ASD will continue to receive health insurance benefits, with the district covering the majority of the costs.

3. Remote Work: Teachers who are required to work remotely due to COVID-19 will receive additional compensation for their time and equipment expenses.

4. Classroom Size: The new agreement includes language that addresses class size concerns. In cases where the classroom size exceeds the established limit, teachers may request additional resources or support.

5. Professional Development: The agreement also includes financial support for teachers to attend professional development opportunities.

What This Agreement Means for Educators

The new agreement provides a number of benefits for educators within the Alpine School District. Teachers will see an increase in their pay, which will help to offset the rising cost of living in the area. The agreement also addresses important issues like health insurance and classroom size, creating a more stable and supportive work environment for educators.

The agreement also benefits students by providing better resources and support to teachers, which will help to create more effective and engaging learning environments. By investing in professional development, teachers will be better equipped to provide high-quality instruction to their students.


Overall, the new Alpine School District negotiated agreement is a positive step for educators within the district. The agreement addresses important issues and provides teachers with the resources and support needed to create the best possible learning environments for their students. With this agreement in place, teachers can focus on what they do best: educating the next generation of leaders.